Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Tomoo Fukuda

[II-213]Characteristics of bed material load movement using simultaneous measurement of water flow and bed material load in simulated riverbed with different specific gravity

*Keita Nishioka1, Asato Hieda1, Masato Sekine2 (1. Graduate School, Waseda University, 2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

[II-214]A method for calculating the "average movement speed" for each sediment grain size in a river channel with a wide grain size distribution

*Tsubasa Teshima1, Harada Morihiro1 (1. GIFU University)

[II-215]Effects of velocity gradients on the segregation of sediment flows by using three-dimensional solid-fluid multiphase simulation

*Eiji Yamaguchi1, Fukuda Tomoo1 (1. Ryukyu University)

[II-216]Effect of Movable and Fixed Beds Analyses on Horseshoe Vortex Structure around a River Rectangular Pier

*Takashi Inoue1, Yoshitaka Hirotsugu1, Jin Kashiwada1, Yasuo Nihei1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)

[II-217]Evaluation considering hiding effect of clay erosion caused by bed load hitting

*Shun Hirose1, Takehiro In1, Masato Sekine2 (1. Graduate School, Waseda University, 2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

[II-218]Relationship between the longitudinal transverse distribution of the total energy head of the debris flow and the valley erosion

*Hiroki Kato1, Shoji Fukuoka2 (1. Chuo University, 2. Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University)