Session Details
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Jin Kashiwada
[II-226]An investigation for nonaerated skimming flow in a 55-degree sloping stepped channel
*Daiki Hashimoto1, Ryugen Satoh1, masayuki Takahashi1 (1. NIHON University)
[II-227]Applicability of equilibrium distributions of velocity and depth in transverse direction for flows through curved open channels with small curvature radius and rapid transition of flows in downstream straight channel
*Takashi Hosoda, Shinichiro Onda1, Shirai Hiekazu2, Shuji Iwami3 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Kitami Institute of Technology, 3. CTI Engineering)
[II-228]Numerical simulation of stirring and mixing using SPH method
*Genki Ishikawa1, Shotaro Yamada1 (1. Tohoku University)
[II-229]A numercal simulation on 3-D flow in a space of solid-liquid-gas coexistence
*Rokuo Fukuhara1, noriaki Taniguchi1, yasuhiro Aosima1, keiichi Ootsuka 1, masako Shimizu 1 (1. fujiyama Co.Ltd.)
[II-230]Verification of various dynamic response analysis systems by hydraulic model experiments
*Hajime Yanagisawa1, Kenya Takahashi1, Takuma Kobayashi1, Takeshi Nishihata1 (1. PENTA-OCEAN CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.)
[II-231]Advanced Evaluation of Flow Characteristics in Mixing Pipes of Jet Pump Type Flow Device
*Takeshi Kurokawa1, Itsuki Sano2, Takayuki Okamoto3 (1. National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Kure College, 2. Daigas Energy Co., Ltd., 3. Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.)
[II-232]Evaluation of seismic hydrodynamic pressure of in-service pipeline with numerical calculation
*Taiki Hagiwara1, Takashi Ohkubo1, Hitoshi Nagumo2 (1. Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, PWRI, 2. Hokkaido Development)