Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Tomoko Kyuka

[II-252]Fundamental Study on Saltwater Inflow from Okinohatata River to Yanagawa Canal and Migration of Glass Eel

*Ren Nishino1, Katsuhide Yokoyama1, Noritaka Mochioka2, Satomi Uchiyama (1. Tokyo Metroplitan University, 2. Kyusyu University)

[II-253]Study on the influence of climate change on freshwater fish habitat

*Atsumi Kataishi1, Tetsuya Nakamura2, Tadashi Yamada1 (1. Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, 2. Eight-Japan EngineeringConsultants Inc.)

[II-254]Annual variation in fish assemblage detected by quantitative meta-barcoding

*Nanae Nomura1, Takeshi Watanabe1, Kazuya Nagano1, Atsushi Kageyama2, Yukinori Miyamoto2, Asahi Matsuda2 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., 2. Ministry of Land. Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Chubu Regional Development Bureau, Toyohashi Office of River)

[II-255]Relationship between Fish Assemblage and the Physical Environment of the River Channel in Small and Medium-sized Rivers in the Nagara River Basin

*Shunji Sato1, Morihiro Harada1, Shigeya Nagayama1 (1. Gifu University)

[II-256]Prediction of Basin-Wide Fish Diversity Under Climate Change Using Environmental DNA

*Michihito Takiyama1, Seiji Miyazono1, Ryohei Nakao1, Yoshihisa Akamatsu1 (1. Yamaguchi University)

[II-257]Fish Behavior in the Frame Revetment and Salt marsh in Estuary

*Kanta Kobayashi1, Katsuhide Yokoyama1, Hiroaki Murakami2 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. Tohoku University)