Session Details

トンネル (10)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Yasuo Sawamura

[III-273]A study on aseismic design of shield tunnel, part 1 : necessity of aseismic design

*Susumu Yoshida1, Hiroaki Sakamoto1, Masahiro Kondo2, Yoshinori Kurotori3 (1. Kansai Rapid Railway Co.,Ltd., 2. JR West Japan Consultants Company, 3. CHUO FUKKEN CONSULTANTSCO., LTD)

[III-274]A study of aseismic design of shield tunnel, part 2:structural model of segments

*Hiroaki Sakamoto1, Susumu Yoshida1, Masahiro Kondo2, Yoshinori Kurotori3 (1. kansai Rapid Railway, 2. JR West Japan Consultants Company, 3. CHUO FUKKEN CONSULTANTS CO.,LTD.)

[III-275]Challenges and Countermeasures for Bit Wear in Rock-Sand Composite Ground

*Takurou Mashimoto1, Tsuyoshi Matsubara1, Masahiro Hara1, Renta Satou1, Takuto Nakayama1 (1. TODA CORPORATION)

[III-276]Consideration of excavation vibration factors in small diameter shields.

*Issei Sato1, Kaichi Mori1, Yuya Obayashi1, Kenichi Kawano1, Hideki Nagatani1, Mitustoshi Nkamura1, Keigo Nomura1 (1. Kajima Corporation)

[III-277]Fundamental study to reproduce one-ring shield tunnel models subjected to large horizontal deformation

*Viet Quoc Tran1, Daisuke Isomura1, Kosuke Kawata1, Nobuharu Isago1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[III-278]Analysis of Crack Deformation of Mountain Tunnel Linings Using Medium Flow Concrete

*Akihisa Hirota1, KOUKI KIKUCHI1, ATSUSHI KUSAKA1, TETSUYA YAMAZAKI2 (1. Public Works Research Institute, 2. Nippon Expressway Research Institute)

[III-279]Study on the effect of tunnel lining stiffness on the distribution of cross-sectional forces

*Daichi Kasai1, Yuki Ino1, Takeyuki Suzuki1, Hideto Mashimo1 (1. Japan Construction Machinery and Construction Association)

[III-280]Examining the specifications of reinforcing bar hanging fittings and longitudinal setup bars during reinforcing bar assembly

*Tomoyuki Nishitani1, Isamu Otsuka1, Keishi Kubo1, Kohei Sawada1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)