Session Details

透水・圧密 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Masanori Ishihara

[III-289]Prediction of consolidation settlement considering nonhomogeneous Pleistocene clay layer in Yumeshima 2nd district (expo site)

*Hirohisa Okada1, Kazuki Shiozaki1, Akihiko Oshima2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University Urban Resilience Research Center)

[III-290]Regarding long-term subsidence of expressway embankments constructed on soft ground after they are in service

*Kento Iwamoto1, Satoshi Yamada1, Shinri Honda2 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. Nexco-Engineering Tohoku Company All Rights Reserved)

[III-291]Adoption of direct foundation for PCLNG storage tank and soil filling plan when existing underground structures are left in place

*Akari Takada1, Syouji Tanaka2, Tomohiro Ishikawa2, Tetsuji Moroishi1, Hitoshi Tama1, Atsushi Inaba1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. The Okinawa Electric Power Company)

[III-292]Subsidence behavior during a hydrostatic test of an LNG tank (direct foundation) under the condition of buried existing structure

*Atsushi Inaba1, Syouji Tanaka2, Tomohiro Ishikawa2, Yasuto Shinoda1, Hitoshi Tama1, Shigehiko Sugie1, Yohei Nakamichi1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. The Okinawa Electric Power Company, Incorporated)

[III-293]Predicting the Consolidation Settlement of Holocene Clay off Kobe Using Consolidation Parameters Estimated by K-fold Cross-Validation

*Takuma Ohtsuki1, Kazuhiro Oda1, Shoko Yamamoto2, Masahiro Kondou2, Toru Inui3 (1. Osaka Sangyo University, 2. WEST JAPAN CONSULTANTS COMPANY, 3. Osaka University)

[III-294]Initial stress measurement by small hole overcoring

*Shohei Kawakubo1, Satoshi Itaba2, Kazunori Hase3, Masaomi Onishi4 (1. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION, 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3. Sumiko Resources Exploration & Development Co.,Ltd., 4. MACOME CORPORATION)

[III-295]Expansion of looseness of the ground after replacing of timbering in clayized granite section and its response

*Ryo Matoba1, Naoya Sasaki1, Eisuke Kotani2 (1. MAEDA CORPORATION, 2. Hyogo Prefectural Tajima Prefectural Civil Affairs Bureau)

[III-296]Evaluation of vertical displacement and lateral stress due to water absorption expansion of weathered soft rock

*Hirofumi Kudo1, Youichi Nakamura1, Daichi Ito2, Hailong Wang2, Hideo Komine2, Kunlin Ruan2, Yuuka Yamamoto3, Kazuaki Uemura3, Hiroshi Kameya3 (1. Electric Power Development Company, 2. Waseda University, 3. OYO Corporation)