Session Details

透水・圧密 (4)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Hiroshi Yabe

[III-313]Effect of water content and compaction energy on saturated hydraulic conductivity during compaction

*Toshio Sugii1, Akihito Okabe2 (1. Chubu University, 2. Ohmoto Gumi Co., Ltd.)

[III-314]On-site Rainfall Measurement: Implications for Predicting Volumetric Water Content in Digital Twin Applications

*Kazuhiro Oda1, Keigo Koizumi2, Shin-ichi ITO3, Toru Inui4 (1. Osaka Sangyo University, 2. Earth watch institute inc., 3. Ritsumeikan University, 4. OSaka University)

[III-315]Study on the effect of skeletal changes on the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite and silica sand mixtures

*MASATO Iwahara1, Wang Hailong1, Daichi Ito1, Hideo Komine1 (1. WASEDA University)

[III-316]Simplified falling head permeability test on the ground surface

*Ryo Maruta1, Yuta Miura1, Masanori Ishihara1, Tetsuya Sasaki1 (1. Public Works Research Institute)

[III-317]Strength characteristics of soils subjected to fine particle discharge due to fluctuations of hydraulic gradient

*Ren Nishioka1, Motoyuki Suzuki1, Asahi Komori2 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.)

[III-318]Visualisation of water-air two-phase flow behaviour in drainage tests on Ryukyu limestone using X-ray CT

*Kentaro Masuoka1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[III-319]Void diameter index to evaluate penetration of iron oxide particles injected into the soil for preventing the spread of contaminated groundwater

*Kosuke Iriyama1, Kohji Kamiya1, Kenji Nishida2, Toshihiko Miura2, Yuki Kojima1 (1. Gifu University, 2. Obayashi Corporation)

[III-320]Evaluation on the Effects of Specimen End-Face Blockage Conditions on Moisture Movement in Elemental Tests of Thermal-Hydraulic Coupling Properties in Compacted Bentonite

*Ryota Kakuzen1, Hideo Komine1, Daichi Ito1, Hailong Wang1 (1. Waseda University)