Session Details

斜面 (7)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Makoto Ishimaru

[III-328]Extraction of instability areas on natural slope during rainfall and calucuration of runoff at the lower part of the slope

*Aki SUZUKI1, Hiroki IRI1, Yosuke AKATSUKA1, Satoshi WATANABE1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[III-329]Field monitoring of rainfall and soil moisture on natural slopes in Wakamatsu area of Kitakyushu City

*Kentaro Yamamoto1, Naomichi Yokoya, Yoshinori Katsuki2, Hiroshi Kochihira3, Hitoshi Miyahara4, Taku Aoki5 (1. Oita University, 2. Nihonchiken Company, 3. Kiso-jiban Consultants Company , 4. Sakurasekkei Compnay, 5. Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation)

[III-330]Investigation of rainfall resistance measures for slopes using a three-layered impervious sheet and Geocell in combination

*Sakura Kawamata1, Michiyuki Harata1, Ryuichi Ishigaki1, Sumio Yazaki2, Akira Suzuki2, Yuto Kawasaki2, Maika Kageta2, Kenichi Kojima3, Masahiro Kondou4 (1. Tokyo Printing Ink MFG.Co.,LTD., 2. Integrated Geotechnology Institute Limited, 3. Railway Technical Research Institute, 4. JR West Japan Consultants Company)

[III-331]Case study of valley fill embankment disasters during normal rainfall

*Tadakazu Miyoshi1, Takashi Konishi1, Kenta Kodani2, Shin-ichi Minamiue2 (1. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Kansai Co. , Ltd., 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[III-332]Soil Water Index Safety factor with Respect to the 50-yr Recurrence Interval of Soil Water Index

*hiroaki kobayakawa1, yuki kono2, yuma hasebe2 (1. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2. Denryoku Computing Center, Ltd.)

[III-333]Applicability evaluation of individual slope health diagnosis method using soil moisture meter observation data and rainfall information

*Tamaki Ando1, Keigo Koizumi1, Hirofumi Hisada2, Keiji Sakuradani2, Toru Inui1 (1. Osaka University, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[III-334]Experimental study on pipe insertion with pipe in rain
