Session Details

杭・基礎工 (5)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Taisuke Sanagawa

[III-387]Calculation Method for Bearing Capacity Surface of Foundation Bottom Based on Horizontal Cyclic Loading Test on Column Type Foundation (Part 1)

*Shota Oshida1, Takeshi Okahisa1, Yoshinao Kurachi1, Hidetoshi Nishioka2, Yuki Yamakuri 2, Hiroki Yoshida2, Satsuki Ota2 (1. Oriental Shiraishi Corporarion, 2. Chuo University)

[III-388]Calculation Method for Bearing Capacity Surface of Foundation Bottom Based on Horizontal Cyclic Loading Test on Column Type Foundation (Part2)

*Takeshi Okahisa1, Shota Oshida1, Yoshinao Kurachi1, Hidetoshi Nishioka2, Yuki Yamakuri2, Hiroki Yoshida2, Satsuki Ota2 (1. Oriental Shiraishi Corporation, 2. Chuo University)

[III-389]Performance test result report for the steel pile reineforced soil cement pile method application of the soil-cement using the dispersant

*Ryo Inoue1, Saito Ryoetsu2, Oyama Sho3 (1. JFE Steel Corporation, 2. Geo Dynamic Corporation, 3. KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION Corporation)

[III-390]Horizontal Model Load Test of Soil Cement Composite Piles(Part 1:Outline of Horizontal Load Test,basic properties)

*Masanori Shirako1, Shohei Koga1, Tetsuro Naito1, Koji Watanabe2, Yoshitaka Kawada2 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. AICHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)

[III-391]Horizontal Model Load Test of Soil Cement Conposite Piles (Part 2: Alternating Load Test)

*Tetsuro Naito1, Masanori Shirako1, Shohei Koga1, Koji Watanabe2, Yoshitaka Kawada2 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Aichi Institute of Technology)

[III-392]Centrifuge Model Test on Vertical Bearing Characteristics of Soil-cement Composite pile.

*Shohei Koga1, Masanori Shirako1, Tetsuro Naito1, Koji Watanabe2, Soshi Yamauchi2 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Aichi Institute of Technology)

[III-393]Study on Lateral Resistance of Soil-cement Composite Pile

*Yuragi YAMAUCHI1, Koji Watanabe1, Shohei Koga2, Tetsuro Naito2 (1. Aichi Institute of Techonology, 2. Obayashi Corporation)

[III-394]Construction of TBH piles in low-overhead clearance

*Yoichi Hirano1, Tatsuya Murakami1, Yoshihisa Nakayama2, Shinji Arima2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd.)