Session Details

補強土 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Noriaki Sentoh

[III-395]Shaking table test on seismic resistance of the concrete block wall reinforced with expanded ends

*Yasuyuki Nabeshima1, Mizuki Kitano1, Noboru Nakatani2, Yoshihiro Shobu2 (1. NIT, Akashi College, 2. Dai Nippon Construction)

[III-396]A Dynamic Analysis of Block Retaining Walls using Distinct Element Method

*Yoshihiro Shobu1, Noboru Nakatani1, Yasuyuki Nabeshima2, Mizuki Kitano2 (1. Dai Nippon Construction, 2. National Institute of Technology Akashi College)

[III-397]Effects of Cutting Direction on Water Permeability of Reinforced Nonwoven Used for Permeable Pavement

*YIHANG SUN1, Kunio Minegishi2, Kouichi Yamanaka2 (1. Nihon University, 2. College of Science and Technology, Nihon University.)

[III-398]Accelerated creep test of polymer reinforcement in soil and its application to design strength evaluation

*Yoshihisa Miyata1, Shintaro Miyamoto1 (1. National Defense Academy of Japan)

[III-399]Model shaking table experiment on the stability of the construction method using buttress-type reinforcement anchors

*Takao Hashimoto1, Kazunori Maeda2, Yutaro Kumode3, Toshikazu Ikemoto Toshikazu Ikemoto3, Masaya Iwazu4 (1. Kokushikan University, 2. Okabe Co., Ltd., 3. Kanazawa University, 4. Free Industry Co., Ltd.)

[III-400]Long-Term Effectiveness of an Inspection Method for Reinforced Earth Walls Focusing on Internal Conditions and Measurement Results at 10 Years After Construction

*Takanori Kondo1, Motohiro Inagaki1, Shuji Ito2 (1. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. MAEDAKOSEN CO., LTD.)