Session Details

補強土 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Ryohei Ishikura

[III-401]EPS method using Expanded Poly-Lactic Acid

*so Takezaki1, Miki Mitsuhashi1, Kazuki Haneishi1, Tetsumi Higasayama1, Takeharu Konami2, Fujio Tanaka3, Ryou Kikusawa3 (1. OBAYASHI CORPOLATION, 2. OKASANLIVIC.Co.,Ltd., 3. JSP Corporation)

[III-402]Effect of tensile stiffness on reinforcing effects

*Shuntaro Nada1, Kazuya Sano1, Naoto Iwasa1, Kazuya Itoh2, Takuya Ishigaki3, Hiroshi Kokuryo3 (1. Tokyo City University Graduate School, 2. Tokyo City University, 3. NIPPON STEEL METAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD.)

[III-403]Numerical Study of Seismic Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Embankment during the 2024 Noto Earthquake

*Takayuki Sakai1, Masaki Nakano1, tsuji shinichiro2 (1. Nagoya University, 2. MaedaKosen Co., Ltd.)

[III-404]Pull-out Experiments using Strip Steel Reinforcement against Aluminum Bar Laminates during Full and Partial Laying Condition(Part1: Comparison of pulling properties)

*Yumi Maeda1, Motoyuki Suzuki1, Kohei Goji1, Minato Goya2 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. Former student of Yamaguchi University)

[III-405]Pull-out Experiments using Strip Steel Reinforcement against Aluminum Bar Laminates during Full and Partial Laying Condition(Part 2: Measurement of particle displacement using PIV image analysis)

*Kohei Goji1, Motoyuki Suzuki1, Yumi Maeda1, Minato Goya2 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. Former student of Yamaguchi University)

[III-406]Full-scale loading tests on the geosynthetics reinforced soil retaining wall focusing on the specification of laying geogrid and the presence of full-height rigid facing

*Shinichiro Fujisawa1, Yuki Kurakami1, Susumu Nakajima1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[III-407]Experimental study on the effects of wall surface specifications and the arrangement of geogrids on the seismic performance of geosynthetics-reinforced soil retaining walls

*Yuki Kurakami1, Shinichiro Fujisawa1, Susumu Nakajima1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)