Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Masataka Shiga

[III-408]Estimation of the strength and deformation coefficient of stones without disturbance by sampling

*Takaharu Shogaki1, Yoshihito Nakano2 (1. Geotechnical Institute, 2. Kowa Co. Ltd.)

[III-409]Research on the Rock Strength of Original and Sedimented Samples in the Sumata River of the Oi River System

*Taichi Honda1, Yukiyasu Fujii1, Anna Saito (1. MEIJO University)

[III-410]About the Young’s Modulus During Unloading in the Repeated Uniaxial Tests of Rocks.

*YASUHITO ARAI Arai1, Nao Ikeda1, Hideyuki Murayama1, Junnichi Kodama2, Daisuke Fukuda2 (1. FUJITA CORPORATION, 2. HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY)

[III-411]Fundamental study on accumulation of pore air pressure in geomaterials due to excessive supply of water

*Yuna Yoshinari1, Masahiko Osada1 (1. Saitama University)

[III-412]Fundamental Study on Carbon Dioxide Reduction Method Utilizing Effective Use of Tunnel Excavation Muck

*Takahiro Funatsu1, Jiajie Wang2, Noriaki Watanabe2 (1. Hazama Ando Corporation, 2. Tohoku University)

[III-413]Consideration of the swelling rate test and its reproducible analysis using the limit state model

*Yasuhiro Kanjo1, Kiyoshi Kishida1 (1. Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering)

[III-414]Study on strength anisotropy in lignite beds using needle penetration test

*Kantetsu Asano1, Junpei Abe1, Yukiyasu Fujii1 (1. Meijo University)