Session Details

地盤の動的挙動 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Yudai Aoyagi

[III-460]Numerical Analysis of Liquefaction Reduction Effectiveness of Vertical Drain Materials by Using Macro-Element Method

*Hidetoshi Baba1, Yosuke Higo1, Shinichirou Shiraga2, Masashi Yoshikawa2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. KINJO RUBBER CO.,LTD.)

[III-461]Examining the feasibility of adopting an embankment structure using liquefaction determination based on effective stress analysis method

*Kohei Michishita1, Takahiro Yamada1, Hisaki Inoshita1, Hiroyuki Kawanakajima2, Tsumiki Kato2, Makoto Amemiya2 (1. JR West Japan Consultants Company, 2. Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency)

[III-462]Centrifugal model test of liquefaction countermeasure method of residential land by glass granulated sand

*Hinata Otera1, Kojiro Okabayashi1, Tomoki Yokota1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Kochi College)

[III-463]Sedimentation behavior of ground after liquefaction and reliquefaction in a pendulum strike experiment.

*Takana Okazaki1, Kenichi Maeda1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[III-464]Evaluation of re-liquefaction by model vibration tests with repeated excitation of the same saturated sandy ground

*Noriaki Sento1, Shu Okamoto1 (1. NIhon University)

[III-465]Damage Parameters of Volcanic-Ash Cohesive Soils for Prediction of Post-cyclic Drainage Settlements

*Kanta Usui1, Kazuya Yasuhara1, Tomohito Kakegawa2, Kaoru Kobayashi1 (1. Ibaraki University, 2. Chuo Kaihatsu Co. LTD)

[III-466]Regarding landslide occurrence factors and effectiveness verification of countermeasures based on dynamic observation results

*Shunya Takemoto1, Kato Shinichi1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)