Session Details

安全管理 (4)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Yasuhiro Ikami

[VI-728]Drop weight experiment of fall prevention equipment used in ground reinforcement

*Akihiko Naganuma1, Hirohisa Muto1, Kazuya Kiriyama1, Yoshiya Matsuda1, Toshiaki Ichino2, Nobuyuki Nishio2 (1. Yahagi Construction Co.,Ltd., 2. Techno Support Co.,Ltd.)

[VI-729]Blasting Construction and Ensuring the Safety of Reinforced Earth Wall under the Proximity Service Condition

*Shohei Shiraki1, Satoru Ikoma2 (1. Kumagai Gumi Co.,Ltd, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-730]Points to note when excavating with earth retainer in self-supported hard ground

*Ken Sakakibara1, Naoshi Inoue1, Kuninobu Minamisawa1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[VI-731]Predicting the impact of shield excavation on adjacent earth retaining structures

*Takaya Onda1, Kentaro Nango1 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION)

[VI-732]Ideas for earth retaining excavation directly under the railway service line platform

*Satoshi Oda1, Mitsuo Kanazawa1, Naoki Kuroda1, Ojiro Saito1, Tatsuki Nagai2 (1. Shimizu Corporation, 2. East Japan Railway Company)

[VI-733]Approach for creating the strength boundary surface ahead of the tunnel face: A simple method using drilling time

*Shuro Yoshikawa1, Ryouichi Asaumi1, Yuta Nishidomari1, Kenichi Adachi1 (1. Shimizu Corporation)

[VI-734]Experimental study on the load dispersion effect of crushed stone placed on the supporting ground

*Tomohito Hori1, Satoshi Tamate1 (1. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan)