Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Tomoyoshi Yoshiwara

[VI-828]The Design Modification of the Water Intake Tower Associated with the Geological Survey

*Yoshihiro Nishie1 (1. Toda Corporation)

[VI-829]Review of regulating reservoir plans for land readjustment projects

*Mizuki Onoue1, Naoki Tamiya1, Tatsuhiro Shiota1 (1. Toda Construction)

[VI-830]Construction of countermeasures for groundwater in regulating reservoirs

*Naoki Tamiya1, Mizuki Onoue1, Tatsuhiro Shiota1 (1. TODA CORPORATION)

[VI-831]Study of countermeasures for draining the regulating reservoir

*Tatsuhiro Shiota1, mizuki onoue1, naoki tamiya1 (1. TODA CORPORATION)

[VI-832]Construction of a settling tank using precast blocks.

*Meiteki Ko1, Tetsuya Nishio1, Kanazawa Yuto1, Daisuke Sakane2 (1. TAISEI Corporation, 2. Kyoto Prefecture)

[VI-833]Example of revetment reinforcement work for a new railroad bridge

*Yoshiyuki FUKUHARA2, Tomoyuki MITANI2, Keiji TOMINAGA1, Kotaro HAMAZOE1 (1. OBAYASHI Corporation, 2. TOA Corporation)

[VI-834]The construction of pipe jacking directly under the river

*Takuya Yata1, Hirotugu Kawazoe1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[VI-835]Watertight measures for constructing the lock gate within a river

*Kazushi Yabe1, Hiroyuki Kido1, Hisako Masunaga2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)