Session Details

港湾・海洋構造物 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Yukihisa Matsumoto

[VI-844]Study of bottoming of semi-sub type floating foundation for wind turbines assembly

*Hideyuki Sagishima1, Takashi Kumai1, Moritaka Kimura1, Satoshi Osawa2 (1. TODA CORPORATION, 2. TOKYO GAS CO.,LTD.)

[VI-845]Studying the impact on the quay during wind turbine assembly using a jack-up work platform

*takashi kumai1, hideyuki sagishima1, moritaka kimura1, satoshi osawa2 (1. TODA CORPORATION, 2. Tokyo Gas Co.,Ltd)

[VI-846]Studying of the suitability of mooring system installation of large floating offshore wind turbines by AHTSV

*Moritaka Kimura1, Hideyuki Sagishima1, Takashi Kumai1, Satoshi Osawa2 (1. TODA CORPORATION, 2. Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd)

[VI-847]Field demonstration test of wave dissipating block fabrication using concrete that achieves carbon negativity

*Satoshi Noboru1, Norikazu Hirose1, Sohei Maruyama1, Keigo Kimura1, Wataru Tanada1, Kengo Seki2, Hiroaki Yamano2, Mio Sakai2, Goro Sakai2 (1. FUDO TETRA CORPORATON, 2. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[VI-848]Demonstration of Carbon Negative Manufacturing of Wave Dissipating Blocks, Including Manufacturing and Construction - Results of the GI Fund Project "CUCO" Development -

*Mio Sakai1, Kengo SEKI1, Hiroaki YAMANO1, Goro SAKAI1, Satoshi NOBORU2, Norikazu HIROSE2, Sohei MARUYAMA2, Keigo KIMURA2, Wataru TANADA2 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. Fudo Tetra Corporation)

[VI-849]Study on drifting and towing velocity of a caisson towed by a winch

*Ryota Sumi1, Reo Iizuka1, Akinobu Watase1, Takashi Yamano1 (1. TOYO CONSTRUCTION)

[VI-850]Model Test for Floating Stability of Self-Elevating Platform and Assessment based on Theory of Structural Stability

*Shouji Toma1 (1. Taiki Consultant, Inc.)