Session Details

技術開発 (6)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Hideki Nagatani

[VI-867]Study and development of equipment that contributes to improved productivity in the installation and moving of drilling machines

*Daisuke Kubozuka1, Tubasa Saito1, Mitio Katahara1 (1. NITTOC CONSTRRUCTION CO.,LTD)

[VI-868]Experimental verification of the simple protection system to shield workers in shallow and narrow trenches from collapsed soil.

*Ryoichi Kikuta1, Satoshi Tamate2, Tomohito Hori2 (1. Japan Speed Shore Co., LTD., 2. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan)

[VI-869]Development and site application of blasting noise reduction tool (sound absorption cylinder)

*Uno Masatoshi1, masaki tanigawa1, fumihiro miyase1, so sato2, jun kikuchi1, yuki nagao1, daisuke kobayashi3, keisuke masuda3, ayano kobayashi3 (1. Shimizu Corporation , 2. Oji Holdings Corporation, 3. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-870]Development of mechanized deep foundation method for hard ground

*Kenji Minato1, Atsushi Yamamoto1, Seishi Nakamura1, Takanori Seki2, Shigetsugu Takeda3 (1. TEKKEN CORPORATION, 2. Tohoku Electric Power Network Co.,Inc. , 3. J-TEC CORPORATION)

[VI-871]Development of automated construction technology for the pneumatic caisson method (part 2)

*Yuki Fujisaki1, Tetsuyoshi Sakakibara1, Yuichi Sekikawa2, Yusuke Koyama2, Kota Sato3, Takashi Kubo3 (1. Daiho Corporation, 2. EARTHBRAIN Ltd., 3. ARAV Inc.)

[VI-872]Advanced Subsidence Excavation Management in Pneumatic Caisson Construction (Part 2)

*Haruo Hasegawa1, Tetsuyoshi Sakakibara1, Takeshi Tanaka1 (1. DAIHO CORPORATION)

[VI-873]Performance Evaluation of Simulated Soft Ground for Validation of Traveling Path Reinforcement Measures of Construction Equipment on Soft Ground

*Yasuyuki Kubota1, Atsushi Furukawa1, Shigeo Kitahara1, Tetsuo Amagai1, Keiji Nagatani2 (1. Kumagai Gumi Co.,Ltd., 2. Tokyo University)