Session Details

シールドトンネル (10)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:50 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
Chair: Teru Yoshida

[VI-977]Confirmation test of pumping performance in internal side wall construction of long-distance shield

*Akira Kanda1, Hideaki Adachi1, Akito Ando1, Kazutoshi Kasai1, Tarou Kiwaki1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[VI-978]Development and construction results of hardened filler material Clay Shock Hard

*Subaru Nagae2, Negoro Masashi1, Sogabe Takahisa1, Takigawa Shinji2, Yoshida Tomoya2, Yoshida Nobuyasu2 (1. OKUMURA CORPORATION, 2. TAC Corporation)

[VI-979]Development of carbon neutral technology in shield construction

*Makoto Nakai1, Alireza Afshani1, Atsushi Takeda1, Akira Shimmura1, Shoko Sato1, Yasuhiro Sakai1, Tomoya Yoshida2, Nobuyasu Yoshida2 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. TAC Corporation)

[VI-980]Experimental Investigation of Mud Injection Method Effective for Vibration Reduction in Shield Construction

*Fumiki Momose1, Yuya Obayashi1, Issei Sato1, Kenichi Kawano1, Hideki Nagatani1, Shinji Kushida1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[VI-981]Reducing excavation workload by injecting lubricant around the outer circumference of the shield machine

*Alireza Afshani1, Makoto Nakai1, Atsushi Takeda1 (1. Obayashi Corporation)

[VI-982]Application to gravelly soil with humus soil by mixing foam material and muddy material

*Yuya Imai1, Hiroaki Kawahara1, Yuugo Kamiya1, Junya Ito2 (1. Toda Corporation, 2. City of Sapporo Sewerage & Rivers Bureau)

[VI-983]Selection of additives and Pressure transport tests for Excavting the Shirasu soil

*Kohei Morita1, Satoshi Hashimoto1, Yosuke Ohkoda1, Akira Okada1 (1. Taisei Corporation)