Session Details

山岳トンネル (10)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:50 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
Chair: Yusuke Hiratsuka

[VI-1052]Construction study on connecting an evacuation tunnel to a tunnel constructed by timbering support method

*Daisuke Kobayashi1, Baba Koji1, Masuda Keisuke1, Kobayashi Ayano1, Fukuda Tsuyoshi2, Umeyama Hirotaka2, Akita Tetsushi3, Kikuchi Jun3, Nagao Yuki3 (1. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 3. Shimizu-Toa JV)

[VI-1053]reinforcement plan at the intersection of a new evacuation tunnel connecting to an existing tunnel lining constructed by timbering support method

*Yuki Nagao1, Jun Kikuchi1, Tetsushi Akita1, Hirotaka Umeyama1, Tsuyoshi Fukuda1, Daisuke Kobayashi2, Koji Baba2, Keisuke Masuda2, Ayano Kobayashi2 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-1054]Measurement plan at the intersection of a new evacuation tunnel connecting to an existing tunnel lining constructed by timbering support method

*Hirotaka Umeyama1, Tsuyoshi Fukuda1, Tetsushi Akita2, Jun Kikuchi2, Yuki Nagao2, Daisuke Kobayashi3, Koji Baba3, Keisuke Masuda3, Ayano Kobayashi3 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 2. Shimizu corporation-Toa corporation JV, 3. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-1055]Three-dimensional analysis at the intersection of a new evacuation tunnel connecting to an existing tunnel lining constructed by timbering support method

*Tsuyoshi Fukuda1, Umeyama Hirotaka1, Nagao Yuki2, Kikuchi Jun2, Akita Tetsushi2, Kobayashi Daisuke3, Baba Koji3, Masuda Keisuke3, Kobayashi Ayano3 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 2. Shimizu-Toa JV, 3. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-1056]Examination of Evacuation Tunnel Excavation Method in Highway Tunnel in Service

*Haruki Tanaka1, Yuuki Kuroda2, Toshiyuki Shimoji3, Masao Inoue3, Natsume Kinoshita3 (1. J.CONSIS CO.,LTD., 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 3. Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Co., Ltd.)

[VI-1057]Construction of evacuation tunnel connecting to service line tunnel


[VI-1058]Study on rapid construction of evacuation tunnels

*Yusuke Kato1, Kiyoto Nakano1, Tetsuya Yamazaki1, Toshio Suzuki1 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited)