Session Details

補修・補強 (7)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:50 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
Chair: Yuhji Nakamura

[VI-1266]Consideration of the Construction Methods for Countermeasure Work against Heaving in Tunnels

*Yuta Usui1, Hiroshi Suenaga1, Tomoki Harakawa1, Yukari Matsushita2, Yusaku Matsuo2 (1. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Chugoku Company Limited, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-1267]Examination of water leakage countermeasures at horizontal seams of sheet pile tunnels

*Toshio Suzuki1, Akihiro Imoto2, Kouji Suenaga2 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited, 2. Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Company Limited)

[VI-1268]Grout hole repair method for underground power transmission shield tunnel

*Kazuki Sakurai1, Atsushi Koizumi1, Katsuhiro Hosoya1, Yukihiro Naito1 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Company Power Grid, Incorporated)

[VI-1269]A study on seismic performance verification of existing steel foundations located above underground boxes.

*Ryota Oka1, Yusuke Tajima1, Hukutaro Umebayashi2, Shogo Otake2, Hisanori Nagai3 (1. HANSHIN EXPRESSWAY COMPANY LIMITED., 2. Oriental Consultants Co., LTD., 3. KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD.)

[VI-1270]A study on seismic reinforcement of existing steel foundations located above underground boxes.

*Fukutaro Umebayashi1, Shogo Ohtake1, Ryota Oka2, Yusuke Tajima2, Hisanori Nagai3 (1. ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS Co., Ltd., 2. HANSHIN EXPRESSWAY Co., Ltd., 3. KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD.)

[VI-1271]Applicability of polyurea resin spraying method to water leakage place in the tunnels

*Atsuya Oe1, Tomoya Ushida1, Keisuke Shimamoto1, Kazuhide Yashiro1, Yoshikazu Miyata2, Kazunao Ide3, Ryouji Sasaoka4 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute, 2. Shimizu Corporation, 3. Mitsui Chemicals Industrial Products, 4. Shikoku Railway Company)

[VI-1272]Peeling Prevention with transparent Polyurea Resin Spraying Method in Railway tunnel

*Kazuya Murata1, Koji Tagawa1, Masafumi Kubo1, Yoshikazu Miyata1, atsuya oe2, ryoji sasaoka3, Kazunao Ide4 (1. Shimizu Corporation, 2. Railway Technical Research Institute, 3. Shikoku Railway Company, 4. Mitsui Chemicals Industrial Products)