Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:50 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
Chair: Tetsuya Oyamada

[V-473]Fundamental Study of Concrete Using Low Quality Recycled Aggregate (Part 1. Effect on fresh concrete)

*Kenji Nishikigi1, Kenichi Moriya1, Tooru Tanaka1, Yasuhiro Dosho2, Naoto Kondo2 (1. Toda Corporation, 2. Meijo University)

[V-474]Fundamental Study of Concrete Using Low Quality Recycled Aggregate (Part 2. Effect on hardened concrete)

*Yasuhiro Dosho1, Naoto Kondo1, Kenji Nishikigi2, Kenichi Moriya2, Tooru Tanaka2 (1. Meijo University, 2. Toda Corporation)

[V-475]Proposal of Improving Method for Concrete with Recycled Aggregate

*Mayuna Shiraishi1, Yosuke Azuma1 (1. ORIENTAL SHIRAISHI Corporation)

[V-476]Effects of carbonation of recycled coarse aggregate on aggregate properties and concrete strength

*Shoki Nagasawa1, Atsushi Ueno1, Tomohisa Kamada1, Lett Wai Nwe1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[V-477]Basic properties of concrete using carbonated recycled coarse aggregate of different quality

*Shunsuke Tanaka1, Hirokazu Kiriyama1, Konosuke Takahara1 (1. Mitsubishi UBE Cement Corporation)

[V-478]Quantitative Evaluation of CO2 Emission Reductions of Improved Recycled Aggregate Concrete

*Yota Takeiri1, Nobuhiro Matsuda2, Takeshi Iyoda3 (1. Graduate School, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. TOKYO Techno Co., LTD, 3. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

[V-479]Strain behavior of RC beams exposed to 3500m deep sea for one year and loading test results after salvage

*Naoki Ishinabe1, Mitsuyasu Iwanami1, Kazuhide Nakayama1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)