Session Details

環境配慮型コンクリート (6)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Hirotaka Hazehara

[V-494]Chloride Ion Penetration Control Effects of Environmentally Friendly High-Fluidity Concrete with CCU Materials
GI fund business “CUCO” Development results

*Tomoyuki Karasawa1, Keisuke Iwaki1, Kengo Seki2, Goro Sakai2, Mio Sakai2 (1. TEKKEN CORPORATION, 2. Kajima Corporation)

[V-495]Study on the Correlation between Compressive Strength at the Onset of Carbonation and Carbonation Reaction of Concrete
-Green Innovation Fund Project "CUCO" Development Results-

*Haru Tanabe1, Kengo Seki1, Hiroaki Yamano1, Mio Sakai1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[V-496]Basic research on instant demolding mortar that reduces CO2 emissions-GI Fund project “CUCO” development results-

*Hiroyuki Aoyama1, seki kengo2, yamano hiroaki2 (1. NIPPON CONCRETE INDUSTRIES CO., LTD., 2. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[V-497]The Study of Carbonation Curing Tank for Application of Environmentally Friendly Concrete to Large Structures
-GI Fund Project "CUCO" Development Results-

*Yuki Yano1, Kiyoshi Kirikawa1, Teizaburo Hanahusa1, Goro Sakai2, Kengo Seki2 (1. P. S. Mitsubishi Construction Co., Ltd., 2. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[V-498]Compressive strength properties of bamboo charcoal augmented Concrete

*Uki Kimura1, Yasutaka Sagawa1, Koji Harada2 (1. Kyushu University, 2. NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD.)

[V-499]A Study on Drying Shrinkage and Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar Mixed with Bamboo Coal Char

*Keita Shibata1, Yasutaka Sagawa1, Uki Kimura1, Koji Harada2, Shigetada Hatakeyama3 (1. Kyushu University, 2. NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD., 3. FUJI P.S CORPORATION)

[V-500]Investigation of compressive strength and water permeability of granulated porus concretes with chemical admixture or with waste sludge powder

*Akira Hosoda1, Buntheb Yan1, Mitsuya Miyamoto2, Makoto Ikegami2, Koji Takenami3 (1. Yokohama National University, 2. NR, 3. Shiraishi Kensetsu)