Session Details

軌道保守 (8)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Masanari Yokogawa

[VI-1322]Vibration acceleration and drop-off unteil failure occurs at the crossing

*Soichi Kubota1, Junta Arima1, Tomoya Kaneko1, Kensuke Nagasawa2 (1. Tokyo Metro Co.,Ltd., 2. NIPPON STEEL RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.)

[VI-1323]Development of boltless structure switch rod and back rod

*Koji Saka1, Nobuhiro Tajiri1, Takashi Karasu2 (1. WEST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY, 2. YAMATO TRACKWORK SYSTEM Co.,Ltd.)

[VI-1324]Design of loading device based on the load measurements to remove gaps between rails of turnout

*Masashi Ueda1, Akito Hosomi1, Shingo Tamagawa1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[VI-1325]Analysis model for switching and gap adjustment in turnouts

*Akito Hosomi1, Shingo Tamagawa1, Masashi Ueda1, Ryosuke Otaka1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[VI-1326]prposal of railroad viaduct having fuse machanism arranged on double steel

*Itsuki Iida1, kaoru kobayasi2, nozomu taniguti1, minoru sekiguti2 (1. Nihon University, 2. JReast consultant)

[VI-1327]Research on Appropriate Orbital Displacement Management Methods for Repeating Repair Turnouts

*Ryota Iwabuchi1, Fusayoshi Aoki1, Takao Kumakura1, Masumi Hoshino1 (1. East Japan Railway Company)

[VI-1328]Drop weight test for the concave of solid manganese steel rigid crossing

*Ryosuke Otaka1, Saki Shimizu1, Hiroki Sato1, Msashi Ueda1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)