Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:50 AM UTC
Chair: Keisuke Kawamura

[V-515]Examination of correction factors for mechanical properties of PC steel materials considering corrosion

*Kensaku Ishibashi1, Kiyohisa Ono1, Yuga Ono2 (1. Central-NEXCO Technical Marketing Co., Ltd., 2. Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.)

[V-516]Cyclic Loading Test on RC Columns Subjected to Multiple Seismic Repair with Residual Displacement

*Kota Kadotani1, Keita Uemura1, Genta Goto2, Kazuaki Tobita2, Ryota Takahara2, Yoshikazu Takahashi1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company)

[V-517]Basic study on the mechanical property of a cylindrical shear-key applied to joint of concrete structure

*Yutaka Tanaka1, Ema Kato1, Takahiko Amino2, Ryoichi Tanaka2 (1. Port and Airport Research Institute, 2. Toa Corporation)

[V-518]Fixed-point fatigue loading test of RC beams reinforced by CFRP grid and PPC

*Ryotaro Bunya1, Shunta Sakurai1, Norihiko Kurihara2 (1. NIPPON STEEL Chmical Material Co.,Ltd., 2. Tokyo City University)

[V-519]Repair and reinforcement method for railway railings using high-toughness cement board (Part 1)
- Strength evaluation of board overlap joints -

*Tomohiro Hayakawa1, Toshio Nomura1, Manabu Hashimoto1, Ken Watanabe2, Akiko Yamagami2 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[V-520]Repair and reinforcement method for aged-deteriorated concrete parapet walls using high-tenacity cement boards (Part 2)
- Effect of aspect ratio of cement board lap joints on strength -

*Manabu Hashimoto1, Ken Watanabe2, Akiko Yamagami2, Toshio Nomura1, Kazunari Sasaki1 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[V-521]Repair design of PC continuous composite girder bridge due to breaking of PC steel material

*Yoshiaki Ikawa1, Fumiyuki Hashimoto1, Tomoko Shibao1, Masato Jitsuda2 (1. NEXCO-West Consultants Company Limited, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)