Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Kyoko Takeda

[V-530]Effect of stress acting on steel on evaluation of deformation of steel in concrete based on magnetic monitoring

*Kenta Katsui1, Kouki Terasawa2, Toshiro Kamada2 (1. Osaka University, 2. Osaka University Graduate School)

[V-531]Fatigue Prediction Analysis of Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete Slabs

*Hirotoshi Obi1, Hiroshi Murata1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[V-532]Experimental Study on Re-repairment Method of RC Bridge Deck with Delamination after Thickening the Upper Surface

*Akira Tanaka1, Takuya Maeshima2, Ichiro Iwaki2, Satoshi Aoki3, Masayoshi Yoshida4, Kazunori Miyanaga5 (1. Graduate School of Nihon University, 2. Nihon University, 3. Shutoko Technology Center, 4. NIPPO CORPORATION, 5. SHO-BOND CORPORATION)

[V-533]Experimental Investigation of Fatigue Resistance of RC Slabs Repaired against Segmentation and Slab Faces

*Haruki Adachi1, Shohei Minakawa3, Yasuhiro Koda2 (1. Graduate NIHON University, 2. NIHON University , 3. SAKURA Engineering Co.,Ltd)

[V-534]Underwater fatigue tests on RC beams for quantitative assessment of concrete disintegration and combined deterioration progress

*Kai Matsutani1, motoki soga1, Yanyue Qin1, Yuya Takahashi1, Kazunori Miyanaga2, Tatsuki Takahashi2, Hideto Kida2 (1. University of Tokyo, 2. SHO-BOND)

[V-535]Numerical Analysis of Fatigue Failure Behavior of Concrete Floating Structures in Water

*Nano Onodera1, Satoshi Komatsu1, Toyofumi Matsuo2, Risa Yamada3 (1. Yokohama National University, 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.)