Session Details

混和材 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Atsushi UENO

[V-700]Fresh properties and compressive strength of concrete using volcanic glass powders

*Kanako Tanaka1, Chikako Kamei1, Daishin Hanaoka1 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[V-701]Basic research on the strength development of mortar up to 91 days cured with different specific surface area and replacement ratio of volcanic glass powder

*Tamon Watanabe2, Naoyuki Sugihashi1, Shin Yamaguchi1, Otoya Kuratani2 (1. Nihon University, 2. Nihon University Graduate School)

[V-702]Basic Properties of Steam-Cured Hardened Cement Mixed with Volcanic Glass Powder

*Takato Tsuboguchi1, Kentaro Yasui1, Sachio Ueyama2, Takumi Taguchi2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College , 2. NIPPON HUME CORPORATION)

[V-703]Study on compressive strength and freeze-thaw resistance of concrete using volcanic glass powder

*Susumu Yoshida1, Shimata Akinori1 (1. Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region)

[V-704]The Effects of Different Pozzolanic Reactive Fine Powders on Carbonation Reaction of Hydrates in Cement Paste.

*Mao Osada1, Masaki Satou2, Koushirou Koizumi2, Yasuhiro Umemura2 (1. College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, 2. Nihon University)

[V-705]Basic quality of concrete with large amounts of synthetic calcium carbonate made from waste gypsum board

*Mamiko Umetsu1, Shigeyoshi Miyahara1, Akihito Hata1, Masayoshi Konishi2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. SUMITOMO OSAKA CEMENT)

[V-706]Compressive strength of mortar using cement with higher content of minor additional constituents and the effect of particle size distribution of constituents

*Arisa Fujiwara1, Eiki Yasuda1, Yusuke Kirino1, Yoshifumi Hosokawa1 (1. Taiheiyo cement Corporation)