Session Details

混和材 (3)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Chair: Yuki Yokoyama

[V-707]Properties of fresh concrete containing fly ash produced in the Tokai region

*Tohru Makita1, Koketsu Yoshio2, Sugiyama Tohru2, Ono Kiyohisa3, Yabuki Taichi1 (1. Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., 2. JERA Co., Inc., 3. Central -NEXCO Technical Marketing Co., Ltd.)

[V-708]Compressive Strength of Activated Fly Ash and Sewage Sludge Incineration Ash and Mechanism of Strength Development

*Yuka Ishii1, Masami Uzawa1 (1. Nihon University)

[V-709]Study on Cement Effectiveness Coefficient of Concrete with Large Amounts of Coal Ash

*Ryoichi Takagi1, Yoichiro Kusaka1, Koushi Shinohara2, Seiji Masuda2 (1. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION, 2. YONDEN Shikoku Electric Power CO.,Inc.)

[V-710]Study on Production of Wave-dissipating Block for Foundation Using Concrete with a Large Amount of Coal Ash

*Koshi Shinohara1, Seiji Masuda1, Ryoichi Takagi2, Yoichiro Kusaka2 (1. Shikoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated, 2. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION)

[V-711]Examination of Concrete for Hot Weather Using Large Amounts of Fly Ash

*Koma Matsubayashi1, Katsunori Yokoi1, Yuta Nomura2, Seizi Masuda3 (1. National Institute of Technology, Kochi College, 2. Shikoku Research Institute , 3. Shikoku Electric Power Company)

[V-712]Effect of Fly Ash and its Water-Reducing Action on Strength and Shrinkage of High-Strength Concrete

*Neo Matsumura1, Youhei Sudou1, Noriyuki Sugata2 (1. Graduate School of Muroran Institute of Technology, 2. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[V-713]Study on Durability of Fly-Ash Concrete Exposed to Tunnel Simulation Environment (Prat 2)

*Toshiki Saito1, Sasaki Ryosuke2, Mori Daisuke1 (1. Research and Development Dept. HOKUDEN Integrated Consulting Service Co., Inc, 2. Research and Development Dept. Hokkaido Electric Power Co.,Inc.)