Session Details
副産物利用・再生材料 (2)
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Yukio Hiroi
[V-733]Experimental Study on CO2 Fixation using a small-scale model of a tunnel (Part1)
*Masanobu Aiba1, Shinsuke Tsunoda1, Takashi Kamigouchi2, Ryousuke Tabuchi2 (1. The Zenitaka Corporation, 2. SUMITOMO OSAKA CEMENT CO.,LTD)
[V-734]Experimental Study on CO2 Fixation using a small-scale model of a tunnel (Part2)
*Shinsuke Tsunoda1, Masanobu Aiba1, Takashi Kamigouchi2, Ryousuke Tabuchi2 (1. The Zenitaka corporation, 2. SUMITOMO OSAKA CEMENT CO.,LTD)
[V-735]Study on physical properties of concrete mixed with pretreated Coal ash
*Toui Adachi1, Gouta Ainai2, Takuya Maesima2, Ichirou Iwaki2, Mitugu Hatanaka3, Masaya Omote4, Jyunya Kanou5 (1. Graduate School of Nihon University, 2. Nihon University, 3. Innovating of social Environment, 4. New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, 5. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)
[V-736]Study on development initial compressive strength on cement mortar with blast furnace slag fine aggregate
*Kentaro Ishii1, Masami Uzawa1 (1. Nihon university)
[V-737]Applicability of recycled aggregate concrete using ground granulated blast-furnace slag as all solidifiers to water retention IL block
*Naoto Kondo1, Yasuhiro Dosho1, Ryuzo Kamishita1, Phuong Dao Thi2 (1. MEIJO University, 2. Kajima Road)
[V-738]Regarding the effect of recycled aggregate concrete slabs on reducing road surface temperature rise
*Dao Thiphuong1, Taguchi Shota1, Yokota Shinya1, Doshou Yasuhiro2, Kamishita Ryuzou2, Kondo Naoto2 (1. Kajimaroad, 2. Meijo UniversityFaculty of Science and Technology)