Session Details

塩害 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:50 AM UTC
Chair: Takahiro Nishida

[V-752]Experimental study on the critical chloride ion concentration for steel corrosion in concrete using silica fume

*Wataru Sasaki1, Masahiro Suzuki2, Satoshi Watanabe3, Tatsuhiko Saeki4, Shigeyoshi Nagataki5 (1. Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co.,Ltd., 2. P.S. Mitsubisi Construction, 3. Taisei Corporation, 4. Niigata University, 5. Tokyo University of Technology)

[V-753]Chloride Ingress of Marine Bridge Substructure Using Fly Ash Concrete

*Shota Eizumi1, Masakazu Uchida1, Katsuya Niikura1, Eisuke Nakamura1 (1. Public Works Research Institute)

[V-754]Effect of curing conditions on resistance to salt damage mortar using blast furnace slag with steam curing

*Hyongyo Shin1, Satoshi Fujiwara2, Nobukazu Nito2, Shigeyuki Date3 (1. Graduate School of Tokai University, 2. DC CO.,LTD., 3. Tokai University)

[V-755]Study on the Effective Diffusion Coefficient of Carbonation cured Glass Fiber Reinforced Mortar

*Hiroaki Yamano1, Takeshi Torichigai1, Kengo Seki1, Mio Sakai1, Haru Tanabe1 (1. Kajima Corporation)

[V-756]Chloride Ion Penetration in Vertical Direction of the Joint with Opening in Precast Concrete

*Hiromu Tanaka1, Kazuhide Nakayama1, Nobuhiro Chijiwa1, Mitsuyasu Iwanami1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[V-757]Examination for the Influence on Aging of Chloride Ions Diffusion Coefficient to the Penetration Prediction into RC

*Yuichi Kobayashi1, Takahiko Amino1 (1. TOA CORPORATION)

[V-758]Examination of reinforcing steel corrosion in concrete and measurement of chloride threshold value through accelerated test

*Reiko Okamoto1, Shigeyoshi Miyahara1, Akihito Hata1, Hisashi Asaue2, Tomoki Shiotani2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. KYOTO UNIVERSITY)