Session Details

鋼材腐食 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Nagate Hashimoto

[V-759]Experimental Study on Corrosion Suppression Effect of Silane Impregnation on Rebar Corrosion of Existing RC Slabs

*SAKI NAMIMATSU1, MITSUYASU IWANAMI2 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology(The Matsushita Institute of Government and Management), 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[V-760]Application of electrochemical measurement method for mortar specimens embedded in steel plates

*Norihiro Fujimoto1, Ryuta Ishii1, Takashi Miwa1, Akira Sugiyama1 (1. NTT Device Technology Labs.)

[V-761]Study on Evaluation of Corrosion of Steel Bars in Geopolymer Concrete by Electrochemical Measurement

*Shunya Hasegawa1, Lin An1, Kunitomo Sugiura1 (1. KYOTO University)

[V-762]Construction of AC Impedance Measurement Method in Environmentally Sound Concrete

*Kazuya Uragami1, Yuki Hayashi1, Chikami Tabata1, Shinichi Miyazato1, Toshinori Oyamoto2, Mayuko Hirata2 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 2. Kajima Corporation)

[V-763]Estimation for equivalent circuit of AC impedance measurement at carbonated reinforced concrete

*Chikami Tabata1, Shinichi Miyazato1, Akihiko Kono1, Toshinori Oyamoto2 (1. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 2. Kajima Corporation)

[V-764]Flexural behavior of RC members with corroded steel re-bar with labor-saving repair and strengthening

*Akihisa Kamiharako1, Tomoki Nishimura1, Naoya Honda1 (1. Hirosaki University)

[V-765]Effect of longitudinal steel corrosion distributions on the relationship between load and deflection of RC superstructures

*Shizuya Sasaki1, Mitsuyoshi Akiyama1, Satoru Nakamura1, Takehiro Adachi1, Zhejun Xu1 (1. Waseda University)