Session Details
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:50 AM UTC
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:50 AM UTC
Chair: Mamoru Yoshida
[IV-140]Fundamental Analysis of Reducing the Burden of Surveys of Vacant Houses-A Study Using Administrative Data from Local Governments-
*Aoto Sasaki1, Yuma Morisaki1, Makoto Fujiu1 (1. Kanazawa University)
[IV-141]A Study on the Location Selection Behavior of Firms Based on the Risk of Flooding
*Shuji TAKAMORI1, Shuhei NOGUCHI2, Tetsuji SATO2 (1. Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd., 2. Chiba Institute of Technology)
[IV-142]Consideration of Issues for Regional Application of Flood Risk Maps
*Yuto iwashima1, Maki Koyama1,2 (1. Gifu University, 2. River Basin Research Center, Gifu University)
[IV-143]Resident Categorization Focusing on Tsunami Risk and Transportation Convenience and a Study of Degree of Residential Preference Attachment
*Teppei Araki1, Jun Sakamoto2 (1. Kochi University Graduate School, 2. Kochi University)
[IV-144]Analysis of Factors Influencing Land Price Formation in Tokyo Bay Area: Evaluation of Ground Conditions and Living Convenience Using the Hedonic Approach.
*Gaishin Ka1, Toru Nagahara3, Shinya Inazumi3, Kouki Nakao2 (1. Shibaura Institude of Technology Master Course, 2. TOKYO Construction Technologies Co.,Ltd., 3. Shibaura Institude of Technology)
[IV-145]Development of Method that Damage assessment of housing and Optimization of Disaster Prevention Relocation for Flood Hazard Areas.
*Kai Saito1, Naoya Takeda1, Yuki Akiyama1 (1. Tokyo City University)