Session Details

気候変動・地球環境問題ー水工学委員会・地球環境委員会共催セッション (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Satoshi Watanabe

[CS15-08]Suggestion of CO2 sequestration in the ocean by carbonation using the calcium hydroxide

*Takaomi Tobase1 (1. Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd)

[CS15-09]Examples of intiatives aimed at achieving carbon neutrality at construction sites

*Atsushi Taira1 (1. Maeda Corporation)

[CS15-10]The Regional Assessment of CO2 Concentration in the Living Environment of Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture

*Mayo Suzuki1, Yuji Kuwahara1 (1. Graduate school of Science and Engineering, IBARAKI University.)

[CS15-11]Investigation on the relationship between CO2 injection conditions and injection pump energy cost in CCS

*Yuko Kawata1 (1. Taisei corporation)

[CS15-12]The influence of falut permeablity on the amount of injected CO2 during CCS operations

*Ryota Goto1, Atsuhiro Miyagi1, Terumitsu Tsuchiya1, Cirineo Avriel1, Hajime Yamamoto1 (1. Taisei corporation)

[CS15-13]Benefit analysis of carbon dioxide capture and storage based on social benefit

*Atsuhiro Miyagi1, Hajime Yamamoto1, Sou Kumamoto1, Hiroaki Sakamoto2 (1. Taisei Corporation, 2. Kobe University)

[CS15-14]Applicability of soot and dust with CO2 fixation performance as roadbed materials and estimation of CO2 fixation potential of roads

*Daichi Ito1, Hideo Komine1, Koju Yokoi2, Hirotaka Maruyama1 (1. Waseda University, 2. Toyo Engineering)