Session Details

環境保全 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Yudai Kato

[VII-71]Management of snowbreak forest between Sakata IC and Sakata Minato IC on Nitto Road and effective use of cut trees

*Tsukasa Nitobe1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VII-72]Examination of weed management methods using hot water Part 2

*Saya Hojo1, Nanami Miura1 (1. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION)

[VII-73]Investigation for the improvement method of paddy soil

*Makoto Yaneshita1, Yoh Takahata1 (1. Taisei Corporation)

[VII-74]Possibility of improving flood control effects of abandoned farmland through active water managemet

*Yosuke Watanabe1, Jun Hashimoto1, Mitsuhiro Sumikura1, Jun Nishihiro2 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 2. National Institute for Environmental Studies)

[VII-75]Regarding the raptor survey in the Joban Expressway four-lane project, etc.

*Takuya Masago1, Tetsuo Shiraishi1, Daichi Nomura1, Shiro Suzuki1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company)

[VII-76]Breeding of Japanese tit Parus minor using nest boxes placed in the green space in urban area

*Haruo Takayama1 (1. Kajima Corporation)

[VII-77]Seasonal changes in the calls of bittern during the breeding season

*Renan Yamamoto1 (1. Fukken Engineering Co., Ltd.)