Session Details

用排水システム (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Chair: Takahiro Watari

[VII-86]Evaluation of landfill leachate treatment using anammox process

*Haruka Shibata1, Masahiro Tatara1, Rumi Tojo1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[VII-87]Field Trial of high-speed coagulation and sedimentation treatment of alkaline turbid water using iron powder (Part 1)

*Yoh Takahata1, Shunsuke Kondo1, Madoka Umino1, Masanori Negishi1 (1. Taisei Corporation)

[VII-88]Field Trial of high-speed coagulation and sedimentation treatment of alkaline turbid water using iron powder (Part 2)

*Shunsuke Kondo1, Madoka Umino1, Masanori Negishi1, Yoh Takahata1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[VII-89]Development of construction wastewater neutralization device using ultra-fine bubbles

*Yoshitaka Koga1, Ryoichi Ueoka1, Yasuhiro Moriyama2, Kazushi Kajiya2, Genitirou Tagawa2 (1. Taisei corporation, 2. Suga corporation)

[VII-90]Changes in organic concentration and greenhouse gas emission in a pond process for treatmenting palm oil mill effluent (POME)

*Takashi Onodera1, Yoshiyuki Takahashi1, Kazuya Nishina1, Ryuichi Hirata1, Joseph Waili2, Frankie Kiew2, Guan Wong2, Zufaqar Sa’adi2, Lulie Melling2 (1. National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), 2. Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute)

[VII-91]Evaluation of Ecological Impacts of Advanced Gappei-syori Johkasou Effluent Using Microcosm WET Method

*Kaijie CHEN1, Kazuhito MURAKAMI2, Hiroshi YAMAZAKI1, Ryuhei INAMORI3, Yuuhei INAMORI3 (1. TOYO University, 2. Chiba Institute of Technology, 3. NPO Bio-Eco Technology Research Center)

[VII-92]A Case Study of Flood Control Use of Agricultural Reservoirs to Reduce Flood Risk in Downstream Areas

*KEISUKE ITO1, HIROAKI TAKAMOTO1, MASAYA SATO1 (1. kiso-jiban Consultants Co.)

[VII-93]Shortening the length of water pipe networks: Proposal for updating pipe infrastructure in a society with a declining population

*Yasuhiro Arai1, Koutaro Nakamura1, Muhammad Anshari CARONGE1, Takaharu Kunizane1, Akira Koizumi1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)