Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Kei Yaoita

[CS9-84]Investigation of vibration mode occurrence trends in concrete slabs of 2 span steel continuous plate girder bridges

*Kouya Ikeda1, Shohei Kinoshita2, Shigeru Kasai2 (1. Nexco Engineering Tohoku Company, 2. NEC Corporation)

[CS9-85]Investigation of vibration characteristics four years after the repair in bridge RC deck slab of 2 span continuous steel girder with portal pier supporting steel beam

*Iwaro Hayakawa1, Satashi Himoto1, Shohei Kinoshita2, Shigeru Kasai2 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company, 2. NEC Corporation)

[CS9-86]Damping free vibration selection method with time waveform reconstruction and clustering

*Shohei Kinoshita1, Shigeru Kasai1, Hajime Endo1 (1. NEC Corporation)

[CS9-87]Study of detection method of foundation displacement by changing the first-order natural frequency of bending of power transmission towers

*Tatsuya Kurihara1 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd.)

[CS9-88]A case study on temperature-induced changes in vibration characteristics of a road bridge

*Yoshiharu Shumuta1, Tsutomu Ochiai1 (1. Kanagawa University)

[CS9-89]Study on abnormality detection using acceleration sensors on existing PC bridges

*Kunihiko Hirono1, Taiki Fukuda2, Takafumi Nishikawa3 (1. NEXCO West Innovations, 2. West Nippon Expressway, 3. Nagasaki University)

[CS9-90]Multi-point vibration measurement of bridge using millimeter-wave radar: Application and demonstration

*Ao Wang1, Kai Xue1, Tomonori Nagayama1, Satoshi Yamada1, Jun Iyama1, Jun Kuroda2, Yuu Kashima2, Yudai Matsue 2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. KYOCERA Corporation)