Session Details

道路橋床版の設計の合理化と長寿命化技術 (3)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Riyousuke Shionaga

[CS19-14]Study on fixing structure of new loop joint using cast iron hardware

*Ryo Yamashita1, Shigeyuki Matsui2, Masayuki Kurihara3, Akiyoshi Deguchi4, Kohei Murakami5, Toshiyuki Fujiwara6 (1. HINODE Holdings Co., Ltd, 2. Osaka Institute of Technology, 3. MM BRIDGE CO., LTD., 4. MIYAJI ENGINEERING CO., LTD., 5. Fuji P.S Corporation, 6. HINODE,Ltd.)

[CS19-15]Evaluation of the fatigue durability of slabs with new loop joints using cast iron hardware

*Yugo Shirai1, Shigeyuki Matsui2, Kubo Keigo3, Shunya Kagimura4, Shigetada Hatakeyama5, Toshiyuki Fujiwara6 (1. HINODE Holdings Co., Ltd. , 2. Osaka Institute of Technology, 3. MIYAJI ENGINEERING CO., LTD., 4. MM BRIDGE CO., LTD., 5. Fuji P.S Corporation, 6. HINODE,Ltd.)

[CS19-16]Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance of Precast Replacement RC Deck Bridges by Wheel Load Running Fatigue Tests with Adhesives at the Interfaces of Interstices

*Shinya Shigematsu1, Tadashi Abe2, Toshiaki Sawano2, Kousuke Ono3 (1. Nohon University Graduate School, 2. Nohon University, 3. Ono Kogyosyo Co.,Ltd.)

[CS19-17]Regarding the application of PLate shear connectors for precast Concrete Fence anchorage parts applied to steel deck plate

*Nobunao Tanaka1, Takuji Kumano2, Kenji Yoshida3, Yu Lang1, Ken Adachi4, Takashi Yamaguchi5 (1. MIYAJI ENGINEERING CO., LTD. , 2. JFE Engineering Corporation, 3. KAWADA INDUSTRIES, Inc., 4. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 5. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[CS19-18]Evaluation of Sliding Characteristics of PTFE and UHMW-PE on Cyclic Loading Experiments under High Pressure

*Siling ZHOU1, Masahide Matsumura1, Shinya Watanabe1 (1. Kumamoto University)

[CS19-19]Development of "Latex Modified Concrete PC Slab" with Exellent Waterproof Performance
Part4:Report on Wheel Load Running Test Results

*YOSHINORI HIRANO1, Ryo Insako1, Sho Ota2, Akira Yakushiji2 (1. Oriental Shiraishi Corp., 2. Sho-Bond Corp.)

[CS19-20]Development of "Latex Modified Concrete PC Slab" with Exellent Waterproof Performance
Part 5: durability of PC slabs after wheel load running test

*Akira Yakushiji1, Yoshinori Hirano2, kwak doyeon1, Shoji Nojima2 (1. SHO-BOND CORPORATION, 2. Oriental Shiraishi Corp.)