Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Hideki Kaida

[CS10-96]Study for relationship of tsunami sources feature from subduction zone earthquake and tsunami flooding characteristic

*Ayumi Nishi1, Naoto Kihara2, Shoji Gaku3 (1. TEPSCO, 2. CRIEPI, 3. Tsukuba University)

[CS10-97]Scouring Phenomenon Caused by Tsunami Progressive Waves at Pier Foundations Supporting a Bridge Girder-Connected Pipeline System

*Ayumi Kiko1, Gaku Shoji1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[CS10-98]Comparison of tsunami height between characterizing tsunami source model and random phase model

*Tatsuto Kimura1, Naoto Kihara2, Kazuma Suzuki3 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd., 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.)

[CS10-99]A study on eigenvalue analysis of storage tank due to three dimensional finite element model employing simplified fluid properties

*Teruhiro Nakashima1, Tomoyo Taniguchi2 (1. NIHON SUIKO SEKKEI, 2. TOTTORI University)

[CS10-100]Grasp of sloshing characteristics for time history response analysis WHEN CHANGING THE REPRESENTATIVE LENGTH

*Tomomi Fujita1, Taisuke Ono2, Hirokazu Hirano1, Naotugu Sato1 (1. Chuo University, 2. NYK Co.Ltd)

[CS10-101]Water pressure distribution in a two-tank stainless steel tank during bulging of sidewalls

*Shu Hirai1, Taisuke Ono2, Hirokazu Hirano1, Naotsugu Sato1 (1. Chuo University, 2. NYK Co.Ltd.)

[CS10-102]Time history response analysis when sloshing occurs for the real stainless steel panel tank

*Kota Shirai1, Taisuke Ono2, Hirokazu Hirano3, Naotsugu Sato3 (1. Yokogawa Bridge Corp., 2. NYK Co. Ltd., 3. Chuo University)