Session Details

橋梁の耐震 (6)/免震・制震 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Tomoya Aochi

[CS10-111]Analytical Study on Elasto-Plastic Behavior of End Sway Bracing Subjected to Horizontal Forces

*Ryo Kitazawa2, Mamoru Sawada4, shunsuke Watanabe3, kiyoshi Ono1 (1. WASEDA University, 2. WASEDA University Graduate School, 3. MM BRIDGE CO.,LDT., 4. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE)

[CS10-112]Influence of size and mass effect of DC stopper, a bearing damage control device using high-toughness cast steel

*Yasunobu Asakura1, Masayuki Ishiyama1, Nobuhiro Yamazaki1, Yuta Someya1 (1. NIPPON CHUZO.K.K.)

[CS10-113]Analytical study on the dynamic behavior of existing steel deck truss bridges

*Yoshihiko Tamaki1, Hitoshi Tajima3, Gaku Shoji2, Takeshi Saito3, Daisuke Miyai4, Tatsuhiro Uchida5, Tomoyuki Yamada5, Takeshi Sato6 (1. KAWADA TECHNOSYSTEM CO., LTD, 2. University of Tsukuba, 3. IHI Infrastructure System Co., Ltd., 4. Yokogawa Bridge Co., Ltd., 5. IHI Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd., 6. JFE Engineering Co., Ltd.)

[CS10-114]A study on seismic damper placement and attachment structure in truss bridges

*Tatsuhiro Uchida3, Tomoyuki Yamada3, Hitoshi Tajima1, Gaku Shoji2, Takeshi Saito1, Daisuke Miyai4, Takeshi Sato5, Yoshihiko Tamaki6 (1. IHI Infrastructure System Co., Ltd., 2. University of Tsukuba, 3. IHI Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd., 4. Yokogawa Bridge Co., Ltd., 5. JFE Engineering Co., Ltd., 6. Kawada Techno System Co., Ltd.)

[CS10-115]Proposal of design considerations for axial yield type damper anchorage installed in existing arch bridges

*Daisuke Miyai1, Tatsuhiro Uchida2, Hitoshi Tajima3, Gaku Shoji4, Takeshi Saito3, Tomoyuki Yamada2, Yoshihiko Tamaki5, Takeshi Sato6 (1. Yokogawa Bridge Co., Ltd., 2. IHI Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd., 3. IHI Infrastructure System Co., Ltd., 4. University of Tsukuba, 5. Kawada Techno System Co., Ltd., 6. JFE Engineering Co., Ltd.)

[CS10-116]study on improvement of redundancy multi-span cable-stayed bridge main tower by shear links

*Ryota Yaegaki1, Masaaki Isa1, Masatsugu Shinohara1, Yoshizawa Tsutomu2, Matsuura Masafumi2 (1. HANSHIN EXPRESSWAY COMPANY LIMITED, 2. Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[CS10-117]Energy absorption effect of shear panels placed at the base of the main tower of a cable-stayed bridge

*Tsutomu Yoshizawa1, Tsutomu Yoshioka1, Masafumi Matsuura1, Masatsugu Shinohara2, Masaaki Isa2, Ryota Yaegaki2 (1. Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants Co. Ltd., 2. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)