Session Details

液状化 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Kyohei Ueda

[CS10-130]Liquefaction damage on slopes without impermeable surfaces

*Hideyuki Mano1, Takatoshi Kiriyama1, Toshiyuki Iwai1 (1. Shimizu Corporation)

[CS10-131]Floating cement mixing beneath embankments against liquefaction – considerations on permeability and applied stress

*Masahide Otsubo1, Yuta Miura1, Shunsuke Tanimoto1, Masanori Ishihara1, Tetsuya Sasaki1 (1. Public Works Research Institute)

[CS10-132]Influence of spatial variations of liquefaction resistance on seismic behavior of ground with pile-supported seawall (Part 1) Centrifugal model tests and ground physical properties

*Makoto Ishimaru1, Masahiro Sawatsubashi1, Ikki Kato2, Kenji Hiraga3, Hitoshi Tokunaga4 (1. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2. Obayashi Corporation, 3. CERES, Inc., 4. Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.)

[CS10-133]Influence of spatial variations of liquefaction resistance on seismic behavior of ground with pile-supported seawall (Part 2) Effective stress analysis on centrifugal model tests

*Ikuya Okamura1, Junichi Hyodo1, Takaaki Kobayashi2, Makoto Ishimaru3, Masahiro Sawatsubashi3, Hitoshi Tokunaga4 (1. TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER SERVICES CO., LTD., 2. KAJIMA CORPORATION, 3. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 4. Kyushu Electric Power CO., Inc.)

[CS10-134]Influence of spatial variations of liquefaction resistance on seismic behavior of ground with pile-supported seawall (Part 3) Example calculation

*Takaaki Kobayashi1, Shintaro Ono1, Junichi Hyodo2, Makoto Ishimaru3, Masahiro Sawatsubashi3, Hitoshi Tokunaga4 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. Tokyo Electric Power Services CO, 3. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 4. Kyushu Electric Power CO)

[CS10-135]Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of Centrifuge Loading Tests on RC Circular Shafts Constructed in Dense Sand

*Satoshi Komatsu1, Toyofumi Matsuo2, Tatsumasa Watanabe3, Takaaki Fuse4 (1. Yokohama National University, 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Tokyo Electric Power Services, 4. Denryoku Computing Center)

[CS10-136]Subsidence of ground surface due to dynamic soil-underground structure interaction -part 9: Modeling of non-liquefied surface layer in subsidence analysis-

*Yousuke Ohya1, Eiji Kohama1 (1. Port and Airport Research Institute)