Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Yuta Mitsuhashi

[CS10-145]Seismic reinforcement design for immersed tunnel vertical shaft using 3D nonlinear analysis

*Shunya Bando1, Takahiro Kukidome1, shogo ohtake1 (1. Oriental Consultants)

[CS10-146]Study on evaluation accuracy of relation between stiffness ratio and strain transfer ratio on cut and cover tunnels by seismic deformation method

*Tatsuya Doi1, Jun Izawa1, Hidetoshi Nishioka2, Takafumi Shimada2 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute, 2. Chuo University)

[CS10-147]Examination of shaft modeling method using two-dimensional effective stress analysis considering liquefaction of dense ground

*Tatsumasa Watanabe1, Usuman Farooq1, Toyofumi Matsuo2, Shingo Horimi3 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Tohoku Electric Power Co.)

[CS10-148]Centrifugal loading test of circular deep shafts under unsymmetrical earth pressure constructed in dense sand ground (1. circular deep shafts damage)

*Shingo Horimi1, Yuki Takada2, Hideki Nagai2, Kazuhide Yamaguchi3 (1. Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc., 2. Obayashi Corporation, 3. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

[CS10-149]Centrifugal loading test of circular deep shafts under unsymmetrical earth pressure constructed in dense sand ground (2. external force)

*Yuki Takada1, Hideki Nagai1, Kazuhide Yamaguchi2, Shingo Horimi3 (1. Obayashi Co. Ltd., 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc)

[CS10-150]Centrifugal loading test of circular deep shafts under
unsymmetrical earth pressure constructed in dense sand
ground(3. reproduction analysis)

*Takahiro Tsutsumiuchi1, Hideki Nagai1, Kazuhide Yamaguchi2, Shingo Horimi3 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.)

[CS10-151]Numerical simulation on subway station under forced vertical displacement inputting at bedrock varying number of CFT central columns

*Norimitsu Kishi1, Masato Komuro1, Tomoki Kawarai1, Keiichiro Sonoda2 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology, 2. Osaka City University)