Session Details

構造物の設計/維持管理におけるAI/DX (10)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Pang-Jo Chun

[CS11-63]Development of a Method for Predicting Elastomeric Dampers Delamination Using Deep Learning

*Suguru Kodaka1, Zicheng Han1, Kazutoshi Nagata1, Yuina Ota1 (1. Graduate School of Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[CS11-64]Study of the influence of photographed surface brightness on image analysis results by AI

*Takao Matsutani1, Shuuji Tanaka2 (1. Wesco Hiroshima, 2. Wesco Kyushu)

[CS11-65]Estimation of defects inside concrete structures from radar images using Stable Diffusion

*Hisashi Saito1, Yoshihito Yamamoto1 (1. Hosei University)

[CS11-66]3D Shape Recovery and Damage Detection by Deep Learning

*Shuta Notsu1, Makoto Ohya1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Matsue College)

[CS11-67]Shell finite element reconstruction from point cloud data of steel members for FEA considering data quality

*Tomoya Nakamizo1, Mayuko Nishio1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[CS11-68]Development of Failure Type Estimation AI Using Animated FEM Analysis Results as Supervisor Data

*Yusuke Kajino1, Yasuhiko Sato1 (1. Waseda University)

[CS11-69]A New Parameter Estimation Method for Response Surface Method and Its Effect on Failure Probability of Reliability Analysis of Pier Pile Stress Verification

*Makoto Murata1, Noriki Sugahara1 (1. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)