Session Details

構造物の設計/維持管理におけるAI/DX (11)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Yuki Wakuda

[CS11-70]Case study report on the application of omnidirectional cameras to pedestrian crossing bridges located at intersections

Makoto Yamaguchi1, *Takashi Haga2, Yuuji Higuchi2, Yasuharu Mori2, Mitsuhiro Fuse3, Motohiro Yamaguchi3, Yuuta Asakawa3 (1. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Sobu National Highway Office, 2. PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD., 3. Shutoko Engineering CO., LTD.)

[CS11-71]Anormaly detection methods of weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensor using accumulated heavy vehicle's weight data

*Yoshiaki Maeda1, Takaaki Nasu1, Hisayoshi Sato1, Yoshimasa Onishi2, Takafumi Yamamoto2 (1. OMRON SOCIAL SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD., 2. Central Nippon Expressway CO.,LTD.)

[CS11-72]The Introduction Effect of Comprehensive Evaluation Method in Mountain Tunnels in Hokkaido

*Hokuto Fujita1, Atsushi Sutou2, Takahiro Igarashi3, Takumi Kawamura4 (1. The Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Tohoku Institute of Technology, 2. The Department of Urban Management, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Institute of Technology, 3. Kouken Engineering Co., Ltd., 4. "Iwata Chisaki Construction Co., Ltd.)

[CS11-73]Automatic detection of weathering of Riprap material in rockfill dam and study of its use for advanced management

*Satoki Hirashima1, Junichirou Fujii1, Minoru Aihara1, Tomoyuki Suzuki1, Yuuki Gonjin1 (1. Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd)

[CS11-74]3D underground exploration using the latest underground probe “Stream DP”

*Tomohiro Kobayashi1, shinichi nakagaki1, kouji hirayama1 (1. obayashigumi)

[CS11-75]Edge visualization and name labeling of linear structures in slopes and earthworks using laser profiler (LP)

*Keitaro Kitamura1, Satoko Hattori1, Takahiro Hiramatsu1 (1. Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd.)

[CS11-76]A consideration on quantification for tunnel lining cracks using Fractal analysis

*Atsushi Suto1, Masakazu Sako2, Takahiro Igarashi (1. Tohoku Institute of Technology, 2. koken engineering)