Presentation Information
[P2-05-9]A case in which the result of trisomy 13 on NIPT was not reportable and sSMC was found on amniocentesis
○Yuuka Abe1, Risa Inagaki2, Ai Hiromatsu2, Kanami Saitou2, Youko Saitou2, Miki Okubo1, Akihiro Ikenaga1, Kiyo Masaki1, Satoshi Takakura2, Kohei Sugimoto1,2,3 (1.Genetic Counseling Center, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 2.Obestetrics and gynecology, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 3.International Center for Reproductive Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center)