Presentation Information
[FG-14]複数のジフテリア毒素遺伝子を保有するCorynebacterium ulceransの比較ゲノム解析
○Jun Kawase1, Tsuyoshi Sekizuka2, Tomotake Sakai3, Miyuki Kimura4, Naoki Fujisawa1, Mitsutoshi Senoh4, Masaaki Iwaki4,5 (1. Shimane Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science., 2. Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases., 3. Shimane Prefectural Hamada Public Health Center., 4. Department of Bacteriology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases., 5. Management Department of Biosafety, Laboratory Animal, and Pathogen Bank, National Institute of Infectious Diseases.)