Presentation Information
[1AS-16-07]Deciphering the genomic basis of phenotypic diversity and domestication in ornamental medaka strains
○Tetsuo Kon1, Rui Tang2, Soichiro Fushiki2, Koto Kon-Nanjo1, Kohji Mabuchi7, Hideki Noguchi3, Atsushi Toyoda4, Kiyoshi Naruse5, Yoshihiro Omori6,2 (1. Univ. of Vienna, 2. Grad. Sch. of Bioscience, Nagahama Inst. of Bioscience and Technology, 3. Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (ROIS-DS), 4. Advanced Genomics Center, National Inst. of Genetics, 5. National Inst. for Basic Biology, 6. Grad. Sch. of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, 7. National Inst. for Environmental Studies)
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