Session Details
[1MS-10]【J】Powering Life: Organ-Specific ATP & GTP Energy Strategies
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Room 10(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 2F 201)
Organizer: Aki Ogawa-Iio (University of Cincinnati), Toshiya Senda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization )
Multi-organ systems play a key role in maintaining homeostasis in higher animals, including the heart, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, which each adapts its function to the situation. While the functions of these organs require energy, how energy metabolism, including ATP and GTP, are integrated remains largely unclear. This symposium will explore organ-specific energy metabolism through a multi-scale approach from the genetic to the organismal level, aiming to better understand the energetics of life with an aim to develop new therapeutics for diseases.
[1MS-10-01]GTP Homeostasis: A New Perspective on Energy Distribution
○Aki Ogawa-Iio1, Kari Kopra2, Harri Härmä2, Satoshi Ogasawara3, Atsuo Sasaki1 (1. Univ. of Cincinnati, 2. Univ. of Turku, 3. Chiba Univ.)
[1MS-10-02]The Role of Energy Metabolism in Ameloblast Cell Fate Decision during Tooth Development
○Keishi Otsu1, Shojiro Ikezaki1, Hidemitsu Harada1 (1. Iwate Medical University)
[1MS-10-04]Potential Impact of Autism Candidate Gene CYFIP1 on Cellular Function and Energy Metabolism
○Asami Oguro Ando1 (1. University of Exeter)
[1MS-10-05]Interorganelle Crosstalk in Diabetic Cardiovascular Renal Complications: Novel Insight on the Linkage between Redox and Nucleic Acid Metabolism
○Tatsuya Sato1,2 (1. Department of Cellular Physiology and Signal Transduction, Sappro Medical University School of Medicine, 2. Department of Cardiovascular, Renal, and Metabolic Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine)