Session Details

[1MS-11]【E】The dynamism of chromosome rearrangement in evolution and development: Insights from nematode research

Wed. Nov 27, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Room 11(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 2F 202)
Organizer: Asako Sugimoto (Tohoku University), Kohta Yoshida (Niigata University)
Advancements in genome research have revealed that chromosome rearrangements occur more dynamically than expected in organisms' evolution and development. This symposium highlights cutting-edge research using various nematode species, including speciation-linked chromosomal fusion and fission, and programmed DNA elimination (chromosome diminution) during development. These new findings challenge the traditional view of stable chromosomes, opening new horizons in chromosome biology.


[1MS-11-01]Fusion chromosomes of C. elegans shed light on meiotic crossover patterning and synapsis

Carlos Mario Rodriguez-Reza1, Aya Sato-Carlton1, ○Peter Carlton1 (1. Kyoto University, Graduate School of Biostudies)

[1MS-11-02]Reorganization of genomic regulations associated with chromosome fusions and fissions in Pristionchus nematodes

○Yuuki Ishita1, Kohta Yoshida1 (1. Brain Res. Inst., Niigata Univ.)

[1MS-11-03]Programmed DNA Elimination during embryonic development of the free-living nematode Auanema

○Andre Pires da Silva1, Sally Adams1, Bernice Chan1, Pablo Gonzalez de la Rosa2, Lewis Stevens2, Mark Blaxter2 (1. University of Warwick, 2. Wellcome Sanger Institute)

[1MS-11-04]Bioinformatics approach understanding the mechanism of Programmed DNA elimination(PDE) in Caenorhabditis auriculariae

○Simo Sun1, Naoki Uwatoko2, Leyun Xiao1, Kazuki Sato1, Nami Haruta2, Asako Sugimoto2, Taisei Kikuchi1 (1. Tokyo Univ., 2. Tohoku Univ.)

[1MS-11-05]Unveiling molecular mechanisms of programmed DNA elimination in Caenorhabditis auriculariae

○Nami Haruta1, Naoki Uwatoko1, Simo Sun2, Taisei Kikuchi2, Asako Sugimoto1 (1. Tohoku University, 2. University of Tokyo)
