Session Details
[1PS-11]【E】Large-scale computational epigenomics for the elucidation of genomic regulatory mechanisms
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 4:45 PM - 7:00 PM JST
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM UTC
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM UTC
Room 11(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 2F 202)
Organizer: Ryuichiro Nakato (The University of Tokyo), Guillaume Bourque (McGill Genome Center)
The field of epigenomics is making remarkable progress. The IHEC project has created the EpiAtlas database, which contains more than 2,500 human cell/tissue types, enabling various types of integrative analyses. The comprehensive analysis of non-coding functional regions, including repetitive sequences, and cross-species analysis is also of particular interest. This symposium introduces researchers involved in such large-scale analyses and presents a variety of studies.
[1PS-11-01]EpiAtlas: integrated analysis and insights from the International Human Epigenome Consortium
○Guillaume Bourque1,2, Jeffrey Hyacinthe1 (1. McGill University, 2. Kyoto University)
[1PS-11-02]A pangenome approach to study human LINE-1 polymorphism
○Nhi Hoang Nguyen1 (1. McGill-Kyoto Univ.)
[1PS-11-03]ChromBERT: Utilizing BERT for Detection and Clustering of Chromatin State Motifs in Human Genomes
○Seohyun Lee1, Ryuichiro Nakato1 (1. The University of Tokyo)
[1PS-11-04]The evolution of gene regulation in the developing mammalian cerebellum
○Tetsuya Yamada1, Ioannis Sarropoulos1,2, Mari Sepp1, Philipp Schäfer1, Stefan M. Pfister3, Stein Aerts4, Henrik Kaessmann1 (1. Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH), 2. Wellcome Sanger Institute, 3. Hopp-Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ), 4. VIB.AI)
[1PS-11-05]Deciphering human functional genome using Massively Parallel Reporter Assays
○Fumitaka Inoue1 (1. Kyoto University)
[1PS-11-06(1P-146)]FANTOMUS:A large-scale analysis of regulatory elements-associated RNA reveals an important role of regulatory elements in heart failure and skeletal muscle resistance to dystrophy.
○Oleg A. Gusev1, Igor Efimov3, Tatiana Tatarinova3,4, Ruslan Deviatiiarov1,5, Buyan Andrey2, Hayashizaki Yoshihide1,6, Ivan Kulakovskii3,5 (1. Intractable Disease Research Center, Juntendo University, Japan, 2. FANTOM Consortium, Puschino, 3. Northeastern University, USA, 4. The University of La Verne, USA, 5. Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center, Moscow, 6. KK DNAform, Yokohama, Japan)
[1PS-11-07(1P-145)]Unified identification of transcribed cis-regulatory elements
○Hideya Kawaji1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)