Session Details

[1AS-03]【E】Mechanisms of morphogenesis by non-cellular materials

Wed. Nov 27, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:15 AM UTC
Room 3(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 4F 401+402+403)
Organizer: Shizue Ohsawa (Nagoya University), Noriko Funayama (Kyoto University)
Co-hosted by: Grant-in-Aid foTransformative Research Areas (A) Material properties determine body shapes and their constructions
In contrast to the traditional view that the building blocks in the shaping of organisms are cells, Recently, attention has been focused on the importance of rigid support materials such as bone, as well as the dynamic and orderly degradation and molecular properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM), in building and maintaining the shape of an organism. In this symposium, we will explore the fundamental principles of morphogenesis from the novel perspective of "how 'non-cellular support materials' build the shape of organisms".

[1AS-03-01]Non-autonomous ECM degradation causes the epithelial deformation in Drosophila wing discs

○Shizue Ohsawa1, Chigusa Hinata1, Nonaka Shigenori2, Keisuke Ikawa1 (1. Nagoya University, 2. National Institute for Basic Biology)

[1AS-03-02]Coordinated development of the basement membrane and muscles may protect tissues from mechanical damages

○Yutaka Matsubayashi1, Stephanie Rymer1 (1. Bournemouth Univ.)

[1AS-03-03]Basement membrane lability is coordinated with developmental maturation in Drosophila

○Stramer Brian1 (1. King's College London)

[1AS-03-04]Multiple Types of Constructor Cells Utilize Siliceous Spicules and Collagen Matrix to Build the Skeleton of Demosponges

○Noriko Funayama1, Tomoyuki Ueda1, Tetsuro Nishizawa1, Satomi Kamimura1 (1. Kyoto Univ., School of Science)

[1AS-03-05]Architecture of fish fins created by the interaction between rod-shaped collagen crystals and cells

○Junpei Kuroda1, Hiromu Hino1, Shigeru Kondo1 (1. Osaka University)

[1AS-03-06]Mechanical Principles in Gastrointestinal Organ Development

○Thierry Savin1 (1. University of Cambridge)
