Session Details

[1PS-04]【E】Frontier Research on Biological Flow – Integration of Physics and Biology

Wed. Nov 27, 2024 4:45 PM - 7:00 PM JST
Wed. Nov 27, 2024 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM UTC
Room 4(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 4F 404+405+406)
Organizer: Sawako Yamashiro (Kyoto University), Takanobu Katoh (The University of Tokyo)
Biological flows, underlying intracellular (e.g., cytoplasmic flow) to multicellular level (e.g., blood flow, etc.) influence the important biological events involved in the cell functions and morphogenesis. Recent technical advances, such as high-precision quantitative imaging and manipulation of flow signals, provide new insights into mechanical function of biological flows. In this symposium, we will discuss and introduce recent advances in the flow research using approaches based on biophysics, cell biology and developmental biology.

[1PS-04-01(1P-470)]Cytoplasmic fluidization leads to dormancy breaking in fission yeast spore

○Keiichiro Sakai1, Yohei Kondo2, Yuhei Goto2, Kazuhiro Aoki2 (1. Brooklyn College of The City University of New York, 2. Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University)

[1PS-04-02]Microfluidic measurements of protein size and shape

○Aurelia Rose Honerkamp-Smith1 (1. Lehigh University)

[1PS-04-03]Effects of shear stress on cell membrane proteins as revealed by high-resolution live cell imaging

○Sawako Yamashiro1,2, Misato Nomura1, Naoki Watanabe1,2 (1. Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. of Biostudies, 2. Kyoto Univ. Faculty of Medicine)

[1PS-04-04]Mechanics of left-right asymmetric collective rotation induced by cell chirality

○Tomoki Ishibashi1, Ryohi Nishizawa1,2, Goshi Ogita1, Tatsuo Shibata1,2 (1. RIKEN BDR, 2. Osaka Univ.)

[1PS-04-05]Flow-sensing mechanisms of plasma and mitochondrial membranes in vascular endothelial cells

○Kimiko Yamamoto1, Joji Ando2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Dokkyo Medical University)

[1PS-04-06]Immotile cilia mechanically sense the direction of fluid flow for left-right determination

○Takanobu A. Katoh1 (1. Grad. Sch. Med., The Univ. of Tokyo)

[1PS-04-07]Blood flow-dependent force parameters instruct endocardial cell identity for the cardiac lumen morphogenesis

○Hajime Fukui1 (1. IAMS, Tokushima Univ.)

[1PS-04-08(1P-610)]Actin polymerization-driven cytoplasmic streaming in the gonadal syncytium during oogenesis.

○Kenji Kimura1, Fumio Motegi1 (1. Inst. for Genet. Med., Hokkaido Univ.)