Session Details

[2AS-10]【E】Interdisciplinary virology to prepare for the next pandemic

Thu. Nov 28, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST
Thu. Nov 28, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:15 AM UTC
Room 10(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 2F 201)
Organizer: Kei Sato (The University of Tokyo), Takao Hashiguchi (Kyoto University)
Sponsored by: International Leading Research "Promotion of comprehensive interdisciplinary virology for the post-COVID era"
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted the threat of viral infections. Importantly, COVID-19 is not the last pandemic in human history, as WHO and CDC have suggested. Research to prepare for the "next pandemic" is essential not only from a basic science perspective, but also to maintain a peaceful social life. In this symposium, we would like to discuss the interdisciplinary and advanced viral research needed to prepare for the next pandemic.

[2AS-10-01]Preparation for the next pandemic

○Kei Sato1 (1. Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo)

[2AS-10-02]A Protein Language Model for Exploring Viral Fitness Landscapes

○Jumpei Ito1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[2AS-10-03]Preparing for the next pandemic – lessons from SARS-COV-2 and other viruses

○David L Robertson1 (1. University of Glasgow)

[2AS-10-04]Fusion-triggering structures of the morbillivirus hemagglutinin stalk provide an insight into the mechanism of fusion activation

○Tateki Suzuki1, Yusuke Yanagi2, Takao Hashiguchi1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Kyushu University)

[2AS-10-05]Structural life science to combat viral pandemic

○Osamu Nureki1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[2AS-10-06]How to Approach Host Pathogenesis Using Patient Samples During a Pandemic: The Challenges of the Japan COVID-19 Task Force and Looking Ahead to the Next Pandemic

○Ho Namkoong1 (1. Keio University School of Medicine. Department of Infectious Diseases)